Jonathan Mullaly
Written on 11:59 PM by Blogtopia
Personal Data
- Real Name: Jonathan Mullaly
- Nickname: Jon
- Origin:United Kingdom
- Age: 22
- Birthdate: September 1
- Place of Birth:United Kingdom
- Nationality: Irish-Filipino
- Occupation: Model
- Sports: Boxing
- Hidden Ambition: To be a Hollywood actor
- Claim to Fame: Century Tuna Superbod 2006, BenchBody model
- Charity: Tahanang Sta. Luisa, Quezon City
- Elementary: na
- High School: na
- College: na
- Viewers know Jon for his good looks and admirable body. However, despite the fame he is experiencing now, Jon has not had an easy life growing up in London. Jon struggled with harsh racial discrimination since he was the only Asian in school. Because of being constantly ostracized by his schoolmates, Jon's self-esteem hit rock bottom. The bullying finally came to an end when he entered college where he found real friends.
- Then he traveled to the Philippines in search of a new life, but to his disappointment, more trials and difficulties came his way. Jon recalls the time when he used to live in a small room with no air con and electricity. For some time, he slept on a cheap mattress, feeling lonely and missing the company of family and friends. But just like a true Filipino, Jon managed to rise above all the hardships. He persevered to fend for himself, shedding off some extra pounds and later becoming one of the most sought after male models in the country. Despite the Western upbringing, Jon never forgot his Filipino roots. When he came back to the Philippines, he felt a greater privilege of being liked by Filipinos.

your so handsome in your possing in flicker i like that........................................................................................????
i hope you make a concert here in santiago city.//////.//./././././././././/././../././././.....
i hope lord will guide you
anytime jon............